STUDENTS from the Faculty of Engineering are raising eyebrows over a student program lending calculators to students.

“Oplan Pahiram,” which started last academic year, was opposed by majority of Engineering students, who claimed many are becoming increasingly lax and dependent on the council.

“If you’re in Engineering, you should always be ready and not dependent on others,” Chemical Engineering senior Rychielle Loreszca said. “The calculator is the most important thing for us.”

But Engineering Student Council (ESC) President Marvin Morante said they know how to divide the line between extending help and making students too dependent.

“The main goal of this project is solely to help the Engineering students. “With this move (lending calculators), we know that we can somehow motivate them,” Morante said.

Borrowers may only use a calculator for a maximum of three hours, Morante said. A 20-peso fine is imposed on those who will fail to return the calculator on time set, while a fine of P200 is collected when a calculator is not returned within the day it was borrowed.

“There may be a lot who are against it, but the project will still be continued,” Morante said.

The ESC bought 50 calculators for P50,000. Any Engineering student may borrow a calculator from the council particularly during quizzes and major examinations.

“Next academic year, we plan to include other things like T-squares and triangles to make learning more convenient for them,” Morante said.

The move, however, was deemed “useless” by some students.

“[The ESC] is tolerating the students too much, that’s why they’re becoming less studious,” Chemical Engineering junior Alyssa Pangilinan said. R. D. Madrid

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