13 September 2013, 3:16 p.m. – THE UNIVERSITY improved its passing rate in the recent licensure examinations for electrical engineers, but failed to maintain its title as the top-performing school.
UST posted a 96.49-percent passing rate with 55 passers out of 57 examinees, results from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) showed. This was significantly higher than last year’s 87.50 percent, wherein 56 out of 64 examinees made the cut.
Despite the improvement, the University was downgraded to second top-performing school.
Only one Thomasian made it to the top 10 list of passers. Leading the new batch of Thomasian electrical engineers is seventh placer Anthony John Crisostomo, who scored 88.70 percent. Last year, two Thomasians entered the top 10.
UST trailed behind Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, University of Batangas, and University of the Phlippines-Los Baños, all of which recorded 100-percent passing rates and were named top-performing schools.
The national passing rate inched up to 53.64 percent, with 1,643 passers out of 3,063 examinees, from last year’s 53.24 percent equivalent to 1,569 passers out of 2,947 examinees. Lord Bien G. Lelay
there is a flaw somewhere in the prc’s classification of top performing schools in licensure exams. in most exams prc says that a top performing school is one that has at least 50 examinees with at least 80% passing rate. suddenly it separates the schools into rankings with only the passing rate being considered, and totally ignoring the number of takers. it is unfair and inaccurate to declare one school with much less students as top performing simply because it attained 100% passing over a school that reached 96% passing but with much more examinees. this is the same case with med boards. they declared ust only 2nd top performing even if ust scored 99.53% but with 429 examinees. the number of ust exami–ees is 400% higher than any of the schools that scored a hundred%. this is the height of unfairness and definitely unjust to ust.