UST improves in civil eng’g board exams, ranks fourth


Nov. 17 2016, 8:30 a.m. – THE UNIVERSITY recorded a higher passing rate and ranked fourth on the list of top-performing schools in the November 2016 civil engineering board exams.

UST attained a passing rate of 85.98 percent with 184 out of 214 examinees hurdling the test, results from the Professional Regulation Commission showed. This was higher than last year’s 78.64 percent, in which 162 passed out of 206 examinees from UST.

The University of the Philippines-Diliman was named the top-performing school, scoring a 96.08-percent passing rate with 98 of its 102 examinees making the cut.

Sirven Garibay of UP-Los Baños clinched the No. 1 spot on the list of top 10 passers, with a score of 93.20 percent.

The national passing rate rose to 45.90 percent, with 5,036 out of 10,972 examinees making the cut.

Last year’s passing rate hit 41.50 percent, with 3,935 out of 9,482 examinees passing the exams. Theodore Jason Patrick K. Ortiz

Nov. 17 2016, 8:30 a.m. – THE UNIVERSITY recorded a higher passing rate and ranked fourth on the list of top-performing schools in the November 2016 civil engineering board exams.

UST attained a passing rate of 85.98 percent with 184 out of 214 examinees hurdling the test, results from the Professional Regulation Commission showed. This was higher than last year’s 78.64 percent, in which 162 passed out of 206 examinees from UST.

The University of the Philippines-Diliman was named the top-performing school, scoring a 96.08-percent passing rate with 98 of its 102 examinees making the cut.

Sirven Garibay of UP-Los Baños clinched the No. 1 spot on the list of top 10 passers, with a score of 93.20 percent.

The national passing rate rose to 45.90 percent, with 5,036 out of 10,972 examinees making the cut.

Last year’s passing rate hit 41.50 percent, with 3,935 out of 9,482 examinees passing the exams. Theodore Jason Patrick K. Ortiz


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