Civil Law professor Willard Riano, 68


FACULTY of Civil Law professor Willard Riano died on Friday, Feb. 22, after a stroke. He was 68.

Civil Law Dean Nilo Divina said Riano has been hospitalized since October 2018 because of his medical condition.

“He was my great friend and a friend to the Faculty of Civil Law. It was his dream to produce topnotchers in UST,” Divina said in an interview with the Varsitarian.

“He was one of the reasons why UST [has] produced topnotchers [in] the past year,” he added.

Riano served the University for almost 20 years, teaching remedial law and authoring textbooks on the subject.

He obtained his law degree at San Sebastian College-Recoletos and ranked 20th in the 1981 Bar examinations.

Riano became dean of San Sebastian College of Law for 11 years and then dean of the University of the East-College of Law.

Riano’s remains were brought to St. Ezekiel Chapel in San Sebastian College, on Feb. 24 and then to Heritage Park, Taguig City on Feb. 25 until Feb. 27.

A Mass will be held at 9 in the morning on Feb. 28 prior to interment at Heritage Park.


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