Time to say goodbye


WHEN I joined the Varsitarian, I thought I would be a mere outlier.

People wondered why I didn’t join an organization closer to medicine since as a pharmacy student. They expressed surprise amid being sandwiched between internships and many academic requirements.

I have a myriad of experiences in the ‘V” that have impacted on my life in a memorable way.

Among the many things I learned is how to compromise with a very diverse group to work towards a certain goal. In the Varsitarian, I got to meet a spectrum of committed people from the different colleges and faculties in UST.

This kind of diversity made me realize how worthy it is to explore the life out of our comfort zones. The adjustment and challenge of staying committed was never easy, but just like how the proverbial statement goes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

I have been exposed to so many opportunities. Challenges were set before me, but they were underpinned by the support of the group. Helping hands were extended and constructive criticism and suggestions were offered.

The Varsitarian gave me the space and freedom to grow. It allowed me to make my own decisions, learn from my own mistakes, and hone my personality that eventually led to the development of a strong faith in my own abilities.

My time in the ‘V’ seemed to have passed in a flurry of activities: classes attended (and missed), extra curricular activities and social events.

But then again, my watch ticks closer to its ending.

Someone has said one should know when it’s time to say goodbye.

After a meaningful two-year journey, I know for sure that it is time. This journey will forever humble and motivate me to be better. My experiences and the lessons I have learned are something that I will bring with me to the future ahead. These have left indelible marks in my life. Right at this moment, I know for a fact that I’m ready to say goodbye.


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