CAMPUS security is again in hot water after the UST Health Service office was robbed last Feb 9., Saturday.

According to the logbook of the security office, there was no security guard stationed in that area from 10 p.m., Saturday to 6 a.m., Sunday.

The robbery was only discovered Feb. 11, Monday, by a security guard at around 6:30 a.m. Based on the investigation by the Western Police District’s Precint 4, the windows facing Quezon Drive and the University Hospital were opened.

Based on the shoe prints found in the area, the robbery was performed by only one person. However, investigators could not exactly determine where his point of entry was.

Moreover, investigations revealed that the robber was already inside the building, even before the assigned guard locked the main door last Feb. 9.

The Clerk’s Room (information) was the first office to have been forcibly opened. The lock of the glass transaction window was destroyed. It was presumed to have been used as the robber’s entry and exit.

Furthermore, an amount of more or less six thousand pesos (P6,000) and a muglight (flashlight), were stolen froom Treatment Room-112, where all locks were destroyed and almost all drawers were forcibly opened.

In addition, three office doors at the second floor were opened, although nothing was stolen.

Based on the initial investigation, robbery was the main reason of the buildings’s infiltration.

Follow-up investigations are currently conducted for the development of the case.

As of presstime, Ofice of Security Affairs (OSA) is not available for any comments, since Detachment Commander Eusebio Dato resigned from his post. His successor is yet to be named. Karen M. Peña

Crime wave sweeping the U-belt


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