SOCIAL Research Center (SRC) founder Fr. Fausto Gomez, O.P. urged Thomasian researchers to stimulate the research atmosphere in the University during the pre-celebration of the SRC’s 25th anniversary last June 25 at the Thomas Aquinas Research Complex (TARC) Auditorium.

“Combining research and teaching by conducting researches on social issues affecting the development of the Church in the Philippines and studies relevant to modernization and change in the Philippine society,” said Fr. Gomez, who is also the Faculty of Sacred Theology dean.

The SRC launched the maiden issue of its journal, Res Socialis, during the event. The journal tackles issues on poverty, human rights, freedom, environment and the Philippine government.

SRC director Ernesto Gonzales said the journal, inspired by Pope John Paul II’s Rei Solicitudo Socialis or the Social Concern of the People, aims to promote authentic human development.

The SRC will celebrate its silver anniversary in December. Mary Elaine V. Gonda

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