THEOLOGY professors from the Institute of Religion (IR) agreed with the stand of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines not to endorse any political candidate in the May 14 elections and called instead for intensive voters’ education through the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV).

IR is implementing the voters’ education into all the faculties and colleges through their Theology and Sociology classes last semester.

“Educating the voters will not end only after the elections,” IR assistant director Dionisia Roman told the Varsitarian. “Politics has a continuous role in society and even in the Church’s course of moral and social duties.”

Roman added that voters are expected to choose candidates who deserve their votes and in accordance with their conscience.

The PPCRV is a non-partisan citizens’ movement formed in October 1991 that aims to ensure the civil rights and duties of Filipino voters during elections.

Recently, the PPCRV launched the “Pinoy Voters’ Academy,” taken from the title of a popular reality television show to attract more voters especially the youth in promoting voters’ education.

The PPCRV has been one of the most important partners of the National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) and the two Catholic Church-based groups have been accredited by the Commission on Elections to conduct a parallel count in the May elections.

While the PPCRV is involved in voters’ education and in poll watching, Namfrel will be responsible for the quick count. The voters’ education of the PPCRV has reached the attention of voters across the nation especially through the Basic Ecclesiastical Communities.

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Theology professor Crispulo Acuña, urged Thomasians to be more aware of the country’s pressing problems when they cast their vote.

“Thomasians should focus themselves to be responsible voters by being more aware of the country’s political contradictions and recognizing the moral values that should influence politics,” Acuña said. “As advocates of truth, we should practice independent and informed vigilance which is the true exercise of democracy.” Jonathan Eli A. Libut


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