WHEN I was a kid, my family would usually go for summer vacations and recharge on the beach. One time, my brother and I gazed at a distant lifebuoy and wondered how far we could get from the shore to reach the it. At first we were hesitant and scared to swim because the water was too deep and the lifebuoy seemed too far, but we took the dive and swam toward it.

A couple of minutes and a number of deep breaths later, we were surprised to find out that we had reached the lifebuoy. We were overjoyed! We started questioning ourselves how we were able to do it. We were no athletes, not even good swimmers! Was it sheer luck? The answer was simple. It was our attitude.

You see, attitude is everything. With the right attitude, anything is possible. Any goal is reachable. Having a positive attitude will surely get you the distance and secure you a bright future.

To mold a promising future, one should first mold a good attitude towards life. A good attitude does not only direct your future, but also form you today. The choices you make are determined by your attitude. Attitude determines your actions, which in turn determine your accomplishments. Where you are now is the result of your attitude.

It’s not too late to develop the right attitude. You just have to make the right choice. Therefore, you can choose to have a more positive attitude whatever the circumstances may be. You may not be able to control your environment or its effects on you, but you are completely responsible for how you react to it. You are responsible for your attitude toward it.

Libreng pasada ng bus para sa mga Tomasino

Your upbringing is also out of the question. You cannot undo what happened to you in the past. To let the past control your life at present is your choice and your responsibility.

Even limitations are not a factor, really. Since everyone has limitations of some sort – whether physical, financial, intellectual, or social – one should learn to live with them and rise above them. Your limitations should only serve as guideposts and not as stop signs. They may direct the path or goal you venture into, but they should not thwart you from attaining your dream.

In conclusion, nobody but you is responsible for who and where you are right now. You might have been hurt before, but it’s up to you to overcome your pain and move on. Armed with the right attitude, you’ll be surprised by the hidden potential within you. See how easily you’ll cruise toward any goal you desire because of your positive attitude.

* * *

Every beginning has an end. As I finish this column, my only hope is that I was able to serve as a catalyst for positive change among the readers of the Varsitarian. It was an honor to be a staffer of this prestigious paper and to serve Thomasians in the form of responsible journalism. God bless you all and thank you.


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