The uncertainty of the future makes me think of a dark tomorrow and the reality of the present makes me pessimistic of the future.


“Let us not dream of inhabiting Mars if we can only make few steps on the moon.”

A dear professor said these words as he related to his literature class his answer to a survey on whether to use multimedia method in teaching or not.

He explained that if an overhead projector is still a luxury for a college, how can he be encouraged to adopt multimedia method of teaching?

Perhaps, the installation of multimedia classrooms in all colleges is the first step to somehow give encouragement to professors like him to adopt modern technology in enhancing traditional methods of teaching.

However, in the Faculty of Pharmacy, the use of the facility is jeopardized by the hassle of reserving the equipment installed in the room even if the class that will use the facility is the one occupying that particular room at that particular hour. I understand the equipment in those rooms are investments to protect but for the class to go through the process of reserving the equipment is quite impractical.

Worse, a class should go through a tedious process of asking for an exchange of room if a class is being held on the time the room will be used before it can actually reserve the equipment. Shortage of classroom would definitely make it impossible to have a room solely for multimedia presentations. The red tape that has to be endured to be able to avail of the equipment is a discouragement that may work against the purpose of having such a room although the jurisdiction to authorize the use and exchange of room can be given to only one office.

Limelight - Vol. LXXIX, No. 8

Even then, the traditional overhead projector, which is the least a class can have to facilitate learning, is scarce. The number of overhead projectors is not proportionate to the number of classes in need of this basic facility. Unlike in other colleges where the number of OHP is equal to the number of classrooms, in the Faculty of Pharmacy, a mere handful of projectors serves a big demand. Because of few OHP’s, the machines have to be kept in one classroom, which causes disturbance to the class when someone is getting or returning the projectors. It is quite impressive that In the Faculty of Arts and Letters, each classroom is provided with an OHP, kept in a locker inside the very room.


I would like to congratulate the UST Biochemistry team especially my classmates, Leslyn and Mark, for placing third in the Philippines Association of Chemistry Students (PACS) annual quiz contest held last February 19 during the PACSiklaban at the SM Megamall Megatrade Hall. From almost 50 schools who participated from all over the archipelago, UST Biochem is next to UP Los Baños and UP Diliman which placed first and second, respectively.

This achievement proves our (3A-Biochem) worth in the Biochemistry Department of UST celebrating its 40th year. Keep up the good work and believe we can make a difference by being ourselves.


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