AN AMERICAN broadcaster encouraged the Thomasian community to stay firm with the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church in a Valentine’s Day talk at the UST Central Seminary.

Michael Voris described the newly enacted Reproductive Health (RH) law as “a lie” meant to “screw” Filipinos’ minds.

The RH law was passed last December by the House of Representatives and the Senate, following intense lobbying by Malacañang.

“A couple of months ago, your leaders passed a law called the RH law which is a lie. There’s nothing about reproduction in there, it’s about stopping reproduction. They lied to get this bill passed and turn into a law,” Voris said.

Voris’s outfit, St. Michael's Media, creates short videos and full-length digital television programs which can be viewed on its website,

Voris said people attached to the world’s culture tend to contest the teachings of the Church.

“The [worldly] culture does not believe in God, so it doesn’t want you believe in God either. They (worldly people) don’t want you to believe in truth. They don’t care if you’re gonna live your life [in a] miserable [way], but the Church does because God loves you,” he said.

The “world’s culture” is already widespread in the United States, wherein nine out of 50 states, including the capital, Washington D.C., legalized same-sex marriage.

The US commemorated the 40th anniversary of the legalization of abortion last year. Since 1973, 56 million babies have been killed because of abortion, or a rate of 4,000 every day. One of every three young Americans grow up without a father.

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“That happened because they believed what the culture said. They stopped being men and started becoming cowards. We create a culture or situation that is anti-God or anti-truth,” Voris said. “God gave us the ability to make judgements so that we won’t wind up in bad situations. But the world, to confuse you, says don’t make judgements because you’re being judgemental.”

If people don’t practice critical judgement, they would end up making wrong choices, and in wrong situations, he said.

“People are going to propose to you things that are wrong. You need to know how to argue back, but you can’t do that if you don’t know how to think critically about what they’re saying to you,” he said.

“Life is like a test in school [wherein] people make wrong choices, so they end up failing because they can’t understand and think correctly,” he added.

In conclusion, Voris challenged Thomasians to fight against the “lies” continuously being spread by pro-abortion groups.

“You have to fight it with your mind and heart and you have to understand that you have to step out of the evil world—the evil world that wants to eat you up and spit you out,” he said. With reports from Denise Pauline P. Purugganan


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