“If the Creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he surely meant us to stick it out.” – Arthur Koestler

GOD HAS a reason for every good or bad thing that happens in our lives. Whether we like it or not, we have to accept whatever God has thrust at us.

At an earIy age, I was made aware of the responsibilities I had to face. As the oldest child in the family, looking after my younger siblings and pitching in my share of household work when the maids go on vacation were just a few of the tasks that my parents trained me to do.

As Ate, I also set good examples of behavior for my brother and sister. I often have to restrain myself from uttering cuss words or doing viles act in front of them.

It’s not always easy. There are so many instances when these duties overwhelm me and there are times when it is easier to run away.

Especially when my father suddenly died during my fourth grade, I had to force myself to accept more and heavier responsibilities. Being a strong and responsible ate and anak at the same time became necessary.

But I couldn’t help asking myself, “How could I look after them when I can’t even seem to look after myself?”

With all my private worries and fears, I was lost. I constantly made half-hearted appeals to God: Why not let our dark and lonely world end now, why didn’t you let us perish along with my father? I lost hope and I woke up each morning grumbling about having to plod through another day.

Keeping oneself out of danger

Then one night, my father appeared to me in a vivid dream. He sat on the edge of my bed and began talking to me. In an earnest voice, he asked me to take good care of my mother, younger brother, and sister. I could not seem to escape the intense pleading in his gaze.

I woke up feeling like an entirely new person. I felt like God had finally spoken to me through my deceased father. I realized that in my cowardice, I had become selfish as well. Drawn into my little, selfish world, I had forgotten that life is a shared experience by all, that to really live, one must learn to sacrifice wholeheartedly for the common good.

Yes, it’s easy to find excuses to be a coward and escape the imperfections of this world. Yet there are more reasons to be brave enough to do whatever we have to do. Seeing the happy smile of your loved ones, being fulfilled at the thought that you have done good — these are only a few bonuses you get from fulfilling your duties.

And best of all, you know that you have done what God has willed you to do and that you have participated in the grand design of His creation.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful and orderly world. Thank you for giving us the chance to serve you in our own little ways. Instill in us a strong faith that we may persevere in our mission and do your will despite all the temptations and trials in our midst. Help us to face life bravely. Enlighten and guide us through your love and wisdom that we may always strive to glorify your greatness. Amen.

Pautakan 2003


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