THE SCHOOLYEAR is coming to an end, but schoolwork is far from over. In fact, the last few months are the busiest parts of the year. Examinations and other requirements come piling up all at the same time.

Facing these problems, students are caught between two things, being burnt out or still not knowing what to do. And yet, they have to survive the rest of this schoolyear’s challenges in order to claim a much deserved vacation.

Here are some tips to help students cope with the last ditch of heavy schoolwork.

1. Manage your time. Work but also give yourself a break.

Do things at a slower pace. Do not rush things. Take your time strolling along the park and/or sharing an exciting story to a friend.

Schedule activities ahead. Time management is important in order for you to have some time for rest. Reward yourself a massage at the nearest massage parlor and some much deserved sleep. Otherwise, listen to good music or go out with friends.

2. Exercise your body and mind.

Take time out for recreation. Get into sports or discover the physical exercise that works best for you. A simple brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes everyday will do. Doing this regularly will raise self-esteem and help reduce anxiety and depression.

Writing a journal is also good for releasing stress. This can help clear the clouded mind. While writing, one can even gain insights and solutions to problems.

3. Free yourself from self-induced pressure.

Stress is more often a product of too much thinking. Never do something more than what can be accomplished on that particular time.

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What is really important is not passing your subjects, but closing the year knowing that you tried your best. Shieryl Lyn S. Moroña


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