Perhaps it was the intensity of my feelings. When we want something badly enough, do we not convince ourselves that it is meant for us?
-Catch a Falling Star
by Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo


I cleaned our table here in the “V” and filed our 2001 Special Reports’ articles’ materials–documents, pamphlets, cassette tapes, and transcriptions. While arranging and locating these things, I found my handy, semi-old organizer. I fumbled through its pouch–I rediscovered past letters, memorable photos, and an almost forgotten booklet on “The Success Principles,” which was distributed during the last day of my high school’s Successful Achievers’ Club’s sponsored leadership-training seminar.

I browsed its pages and recited on my mind the 12 success principles which its advocates say “I should know by heart and which I should apply with persistence to achieve my goals in life.”


In the foreword, the booklet’s 12 success principles researched for 24 long years by strategist Dr. Sidney Newton Bremer were cited as the “success secrets” of 588 of the world’s greatest men and women.

The success principles are being disseminated by the Successful Achievement Foundation of the Philippines, Inc., with the following objectives:

To elevate the success consciousness of the people

To propagate and teach the laws of success

To develop leaders committed to the conditions of people around them

To enhance and promote entrepreneurial spirit in the youth

To ultimately teach the laws of nature and the spiritual aspect of material success

The 12 success principles–know thyself, goal setting, organized effort, perseverance, mental training, creative imagination, balanced budget, physical wholeness, pleasing personality, friendly cooperation, applied knowledge, and happiness and peace of mind–are the stages an individual needs to realize to succeed in all aspects of life.

No job cuts despite K to 12—Rector

The opposites of these principles are factors in one’s failure.


After reciting the success principles, I was stuck at the last page of the booklet–there I stumbled at the spaces filled up with my minor and major goals in life.

I listed a number of goals, some where already fulfilled while others where still unrealized. Looking back at my teenage aspirations and facing now my young adult frustrations, I ask myself the following:

Am I determined to succeed?

Did I implement and realize my goals?

Did I exert extra effort to accomplish my plans?

Am I persevering enough?

Did I ever bother to listen to the “small voice” within me?

Did I turn beautiful imaginations to positive realities?

Do I economize my resources well?

Am I attending to my personal needs?

Do I deal well with people?

Do I cooperate with others?

Am I using my gained knowledge to good use?

Am I happy and contented with what, where, who, and why I AM?


I cleared our table and placed inside the organizer’s pouch the past letters, and memorable photos. I put the “remembered booklet” in my uniform’s pocket and vowed to myself that even if I would not “read the booklet as often as possible,” as what the success principles’ advocates suggested, I would have the answers to the questions that obstructs my views on achieving success in life:

I am destined to succeed and not otherwise.

I will act, implement, and realize my goals.

I will render extra effort to realize my plans.

I would have a strong determination to succeed in my goals.

I must be submissive to the voice of my soul.

Manila boy

I will make my “castle in the air” a reality.

I should learn to economize my resources.

I will maintain a healthy mind and body.

I will deal well with people.

I will work in the spirit of perfect harmony.

I will apply the knowledge I learned in pursuit of good endeavors.

I would make everyday a day of achievement and therefore, of happiness and peace of mind.


When we want something badly enough, we convince ourselves that it is meant for us.

This intense feelings impel us to strive hard for our personal development and success.

Remember this: All of us are successful in our own ways–successful in attaining our personal aspirations and goals or successful in drowning ourselves in cowardice and frustration. It is our choice.


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